I found this link https://openlibrary.org/books/OL24393077M/The_new_tall_tales that looks like you can borrow these online to read them online to see what the content is.. I am not familiar with this site but thought they might be available for free somewhere online based on the age of them.
I was also checking on kijiji and found someone selling some homeschooling books thought you might want to browse through her list to see if any are of interest to you.
This is all I can find and I've done a few searches for these books for you. I checked "Stoney Creek Library" online and they don't seem to carry these books but perhaps another Library does. When I go to the thrift stores I will keep my eye open for these books as well.
I'm sorry I can't be of more help in this area for you.
I am enjoying The New We Three Reading For Independence for one of the kids right now. The book is similar to the Dick and Jane books. I am not posting this here because I think it is a must have on people's list but because I have a question.
I would like to have the 'next' book in this series. Does anyone have a resource which lists old books in order. This has a 1 on the spine. I can find books by the same people on Amazon, but I want to know what the title of book 2 is. Are there homeschooling bloggers you follow who have listed the names of the old readers in order? All help is appreciated.