This series centres around Odyssey, a small town in the US and the local ice cream shop which is owned by a Christian, John Avery Whittaker. "Whit" is an inventor and he mentors local kids who hang out at the shop. Most of these dramas are about the lives of these people and their faith & character development. Each episode is not "Jesus focused" (they focus more on God and on morals). They do a decent job of warning you if it is a scary topic (ie cancer). Our kids who are aged 8-13 now have been listening to and enjoying these for 5 years. I have a friend who gives out the singles of these at Halloween. We have stuffed the singles in birthday party loot bags.
Whit has created a machine which can among other things, take you back in time to a specific time period of the bible (ie: to Christ's birth). These episodes are my absolute favorite for learning and I would highly recommend them!! These are available at every christian book store I've been in. Focus on the Family is the one who makes them.