Hello! Those look very interesting.. any other suggestions from those who have been to the Creation Museum on what resources might be excellent. Shipping is the same and then after $100 is free is to the States. Would love your suggestions.
These bible based handbooks to the Zoo and Aquarium are sold by Answers in Genesis but you can buy the Zoo one at CBD. Note: The Zoo one is binder size and the Aquarium one which includes birds, crabs and turtles is novel size. They were designed to take with you to the Zoo/Aquarium and read some info about the animal while looking at it and not have to worry about reading the secular guides which are founded in a different world view. Each animal has a photograph on the left and then a description page on the right including our nature girl's favorite "fun facts and features" section. If you want more details, she will surely share them with you and might even let you take a look at the books - but I don't think she loans them out. :)