Wonderful resources here Wendy. Thank-you for sharing your ideas and immense book lists with us.
I love the Charlotte Mason approach but am finding it hard to get it altogether into a plan.
Perhaps I can pick your brain sometime on how you do your planning and research to put it altogther? Organizing it into a schedule and plan is not my forte. It's so overwhelming to me sometimes. I just love all your book suggestions here though as read alouds are a large part of our lives now but choosing "living books" is sometimes a challenge.
We've begun our learning of Canadian History. We recently finished the Inuit and are now onto Eastern Woodland Aboriginals. I've started a new public blog in order to track our learning and allow others to glean from my hours of research and resourcing. My aim is to experience Canadian history with our 5 senses. Please feel free to share my link with others you know who may be interested. I am in the beginning stages of this research so it is by far complete but I'm always adding things. Be sure to stop by the welcome tab at the top to get a sense of our direction.