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Below is the information for this years homeschool soccer registration:
Date and Time: 3:00-4:45 P.M. Thursdays starting May 2nd continuing to June 20th (8 weeks), (with June 27th as an optional date if we have had to miss some dates due to weather).
Who: Children born in 2008 or before including High Schoolers. There is playground supervision for younger children.
Requirements: Every parent will need to remain onsite and will need to be involved with the running of the program as a coach or helper (usually you will be scheduled for half of the weeks as a coach or helper). The participant should wear running shoes or soccer cleats. (shin guards are recommended) This is a sport so there is a risk of injury. You will be participating at your own risk although we will make every effort to provide a safe environment.
How Do I Sign Up: e-mail d.blackwell@sympatico.ca with the age of each child, the month and year of their birth, if you are able to coach, and what area you would prefer to help in. We will need coaches in place before the program can run.Please consider coaching—it is well laid out with manuals and drill ideas. Field directions and scheduling info will be e-mailed at the end of April. Please include the names and ages of your preschool children that will be coming so that we know how many are needed to staff the playground. Please note that last year we had to start a waiting list, so please register early to avoid disappointment. The program will be capped at 130 children.
Being organized by Connie MacMillan and Nancy Blackwell.We would like to welcome Kim Gillespie as a helper this year.
Please feel free to forward this to other interested homeschoolers.