I was looking for a booklist of good, living books with a particular focus on history/geography so all my readers could be reading something along a similar line and we could converse about it. I wanted to find books that would be recommended from a person who would share our faith and some of our values. This fits the bill for us.
She takes a chronological perspective to history. There is a timeline, followed by a narrative overview. Then comes the booklists. First, resources for all ages followed by recommendations for overview divided by grade. Then categories for specific events, biography and historical fiction. When I write it out like this I realize that it is similar to how I am organizing our study of Canadian history so it works for me. It also has a section for book suggestions about various countries which fits perfectly into our culture studies. It is a compilation of history/geography reads from many other sources (including Lamplighter Publishing, Sonlight, Great Books of Western Civilization...).
I don't own Truthquest. From their sample I would say that All Through the Ages has more book suggestions but fewer descriptions. Truthquest is also designed to be a curriculum with more narrative to be read to the children and activity suggestions like an interface between teacher and student. I realize that the booklist could be used without the rest but for me the cost of purchasing one Truthquest unit was about the same as All Through The Ages which covers up until modern history.
I really see this as a starter list for me that I can add to as I find good reads. I can't speak to the availability yet. I see some on the list that are at the library but I would say many are not. Thanks to Abebooks and Amazon though I've not had much trouble accessing out of print books.
I'm still in the midst of printing out the 360 pages. : )
I decided I will get the e version. Louise House doesn't carry it anymore because of distribution issues (the still would recommend the book). I haven't actually downloaded it yet. What did you think of it? Is it worth the $? Does it have listings that are available at the library, Christianbook.com or Amazon or thrift stores? Is there adequate description for you? (I was thinking that the Truthquest descriptions were a bit longer).
Not sure if you've purchased this yet.
I've been humming and haaing. After looking again at my ENORMOUS stack of books to pre-read I decided I have to trust my books choices to someone else with whom I can identify. : ) Christine Miller has a high view of the Torah and Christ so I'm jumping in. I've purchased the e-version.
What did you decide to do?
I was wondering if anyone has used this, or another book like it that lists all the currently available fiction books which are organized chronologically. It also does listings geographically as well. We are using Mystery of History (MOH) and it has a book listing in the back. Does anyone know if this book "All Through The Ages" is more complete than the MOH listing? We/they have learned so much from the historical novels we have read!! I like that she is Christian as well.