Thank you so much!!! I have checked out Simply Charlotte Mason and have purchased the "Laying Down the Rails" book. This lines up with our primary goals over the first couple of years beautifully (building a foundation of habits and schedule that will allow for a more straightforward day later on). I also appreciated her suggestions for the early years, straight forward and simple... Funny too as we had already been eyeing up math-u-see.
You may want to check out
Over the years I have found it so useful for the age range of your children. I still refer to it often for my children as they get older.
It gives gentle guidance for the early years with great suggestions for ways to begin training them and educating them in a natural home environment without a lot of "curriculum".
They also have a lot of great e-books and free articles to read for this age range.
Wendy has included a great article to read/listen to in her blog. I'd encourage all to listen to it.
I love the comment that one of the teachers made in this article about her student who was struggling through a problem... we should focus on the process, not just the end result. We should encourage the perseverance, dilegence, and effort observed while the student was working on solving "the problem"... very insightful!
I'd been waiting to reply to this until I had a my somewhat lengthy post ready for my blog. Didn't want to make for a long read here! So 'tis done! In fact, 3 posts about homeschool have been uploaded! :)
All that to say ... I have found it extremely helpful to walk through the process of identifying a philosophy that fit our family. Then I had a lens by which to filter the plethora of things available.
Hello! What a completely baffling world of options there are when it comes to homeschooling? I would love to hear about what has worked well for you with this age group and things that you wish you had never even tried. I like the orderly parts and approach of the Montessori approach, as well as encouraging children and teaching them very simple real life skills. Charlotte Mason seems to be a popular one, I am trying to get a better idea of what this looks like. Unschooling seems to be a pretty popular one too. The challenge is having the time to read all of the books about each of these approaches, especially in their original formats.
Would love to hear your hear about and benefit from your experiences,