For those not familiar with this book, my understanding of what the Maxwell's are teaching in this particular chapter of the book is well captured in their opening sentence: "we encourage Christian parents to evaluate every influence that is coming into their children's lives. How does it impact your biblical goals for your children? What appetites might it grow? Where will it take their hearts?" (page 139). These are some GREAT questions to be asking! They then go on to list three areas to consider: television, toys, reading materials.
They then go into the next chapter talking about negative influences of people. They caution that homeschooling (versus sending child to public school) should not be the only area in which we shelter our children from the negative influences of people. They list seven areas that could be considered: the danger of sports, friendships, protection from predators, where/if swimming in public is appropriate, teen jobs, extended family, and college.
Although each area they list is important to consider, it is also a very personal/family specific decision. The first list was much easier for my husband and I to articulate our thoughts on. The second list will probably take a lot of thought, discussion and prayer. I appreciate the Maxwell's sensitivity to not stating what is right and wrong, but rather sharing what their family decisions are in these categories and why. This helped our family go through each of these areas and seriously consider our stand on them and why.
Our family does have specific stands on each of these areas. Some we agree with what the Maxwell's have shared and others we do not. I would be happy to share them with you privately if you wish to dialogue further, if you're looking for input or if you have certain questions in a particular area. I want to be sensitive to the over 50 other families represented on this group. is the link, we have several of their books. We started with Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit, then onto Redeeming the Time and Managers of their Homes which provides a time management plan for MOms who homeschool, now we are reading Keeping Our Children's Hearts. The sheltering concept stems largely from the scripture that says that we are to be ignorant of the things of evil , Romans 16:19 "For while your loyalty and obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, I would have you well versed and wise as to what is good and innocent and guileless as to what is evil."
This scripture had jumped off the page to me when I read it long before reading the concept in these books.
My hubby and I are praying through our goals as homeschooling and can see a lot of sound biblical insight in what they write. I am wondering if anyone is practising these concepts and how it is going.